Sunday, March 21, 2010

We have tickets! so does Diego!!! We are leaving April 11th!

I took the plunge and bought the tickets today. Can't believe it! We sold almost all of our stuff at the yard sales this weekend and are almost done packing. We will have to do some last minute stuff right before we ship it but so far so good. Can't keep my heart from racing at this point. I am facilating from exhileration to pure terror. I am as prepared as I will ever be informationwise, but still I am thinking can I do this? I saw a video yesterday from Michael Alan and D'Angelo ( which described me to a tee and then told me these are the types of people who have a hard time making it in Costa Rica. Well I hope I can become less type A, more forgiving and more patient. At least I have Mario blocking for me and explaining his gringa's silly ways.

Anyway some info:
  1. We are flying Continental. I have read many good things about shipping the do through them and that's why we are using them. So far they have been friendly and helpful and I am very happy.
  2. Since I am an American I need a round trip ticket. You cannot enter Costa Rica without a ticket to leave the country within 90 days of your arrival. Mario does not need a round trip ticket and we are doubtful he could get a visa to come back with me in 90 days. Having said that, apparently it is more expensive to purchase a one way ticket than a round trip so he also has a round trip ticket.
  3. Diego at 25 pounds will not fit into the small carrier you can use to have him in the plane with us. I think maybe a toy dog might, it's really tiny. It may be better anyway because I figure he would whine the whole way if he knows I can hear him. If he doesn't see me he probably will sleep.I bought the crate for him a few weeks ago and we have been using it in the house so he is used to it. You need to have something absorbent on the bottom so I put his bed in it. You need to call a second number to book the flight for a dog travelling as cargo (in the bottom of the plane). You can cancel your flight within 24 hours if they can't get your dog on the same plane as you. I had no problems booking us all on the same flight.
  4. Diego needed to have a rabies shot at least a month prior to leaving. They originally said it could not be more than a year old, but the guy at Continental told me the 3 year shot is fine now. CHECK FOR YOURSELF if you plan to do this. I got Diego his shot 2 months ago so we are fine. Ten days before we leave he will need some other shots and a certificate of health. The info can be found on Costa Rica Consulate Pet Policy.
  5. Our flight is non-stop. I opted for this so I can rest easy about not losing Diego when we switch planes. Unfortunately we need to bring him to Quickpak to send him which is on the Domestic flight level so yeah I am freaking that he may not be put on the same plane. This is going to be the first - breathe deep - loss of control and trusting that everything will be ok.
  6. You need to provide a telephone number and address in Costa Rica where they can contact you. I decided to have my phone turned off after we get there so that in case of an emergency I can be contacted. I gave Mario's name for the receiving end since he is a Costa Rican and I thought maybe customs would be easier.
So that's the poop on what we have done so far. I plan to try on Tuesday for the single status and police report paperwork again. This time with the county. We are also getting the U&O inspection which is the last hurdle on the house. I think we are really going!

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