Friday, February 3, 2012

I'm back and better!!

Wow I was showing someone where I live today and realized I hadn't posted since June! So I logged in and found that people had sent me messages. Sorry!! I haven't been checking the blog or anything. So I am better thanks for asking, actually better than better. I have been really busy creating a new life here. I am still not 100% sure I am going to stay but I would say I am 90% sure. I have made a ton of new friends both American and Costa Rican and I am happy. I have been dating woo hoo and it has been going ok. It's still hard to figure out the cultural differences, but it makes it interesting too.

I celebrated Halloween here. I finally lost enough weight to be able to buy a costume off the rack. Too cool because this is the first time in my life I have ever been able to do it!! There is no trick or treating because in reality Halloween isn't celebrated, but there were parties and the bars had contests so it was fun.

I also went to Panama to renew my visa. I went with a friend and it was an interesting experience. I went to Pasa Canoas and it was pretty easy to get my passport stamped. The trip takes a bit, like 3 hours, but we hit a pothole and got a flat and when he tried to change the tire the lug wrench broke. Of course all of this happened in a torrential downpour so we both got soaked and had to wait wet and cold til the rain stopped and we could flag someone down to borrow a lug wrench. We survived and I did my first successful border run. Kind of cool I feel like an expat now.

I have also found a few fun things to do during the week. Thursdays are my feria day. I love going and talking with all the people there. Afterwards I usually go out for a bite at a place in centro where they often have live music. It's a lot of fun and I meet new people. I haven't been doing very much site seeing as there isn't a lot of people to do it with. I have gone to Manuel Antonio a few times which I love and I am heading to Dominical today for a bit.

So all in all I have survived. I lost 90 pounds since I have been here - wooo hooo! I am adapting and I, for the most part, am loving my life again. This time I am not depending on someone else and so I am sure I will continue to be better and better.

Again thanks for the support! Hopefully I write more often now :)


  1. Awesome! You look fantastic! So glad to see you back on here, we don't know each other but I had had some things in common with your move here, and had sent you a couple of blog comments. Congrats on moving forward and on the weight loss. (I lost 60lbs in 2010 after turning into a slug in Seattle, so can relate. Here I can not seem to gain weight, first time ever, which I think is due to not eating processed foods ... which we are overrun with in the states) Anyway, just wanted to give you a woot-woot, glad to see you're back in action.

  2. Thanks! You come up as anonymous so I don't know which comments are yours, but I appreciate the support!!

  3. WELCOME back. Lookin' HOT. Glad you had no issues crossing the border. Pura VIda.

  4. Very good Mary Lynn, nice to read you again.

  5. Mary Lynn,

    Welcome back to blogging! Very nice to see you are writing again to all of us. We're looking forward to reading more about your experience here.


  6. HEY!!!! So HAPPY to see you back. Been wondering and checking in every so often. Congratualations on EVERYTHING! Looking forward hearing more about your new life AND how you did the weight loss. I'm working on it. HUGE virtual hugs coming your way. Jen

  7. Wow thanks everybody! It's good to be back!!

  8. Hi Mary Lynn, Yours is one of the few "real" blogs that I have come across. I am thinking of moving to Costa Rica. I am female, 65 years old, looking for peace and real living. It's a little scary thinking about selling everything and moving, esp. with bringing my two dogs. Did you make any posts about the move to Costa Rica? My sister, her boyfriend, and I are considering San Isidro as a location. Sounds like you're doing much better and, since you're still there, you must be loving it! Best wishes!

  9. I am loving it!!! Sorry I stopped posting. I keep saying I am going to start again tomorrow :). The posts on moving are the early ones. Feel free to reach out when you come here.

