Sorry I haven't been posting. This turn of events in my life has hit me very hard but I am getting myself together. I wanted to take a quick minute to thank everyone that has reached out publically and privately, your support is much appreciated! I formed a sociedad and now have my phone and internet in my name. No one will ever have the control over my ability to work again. I can also get a bank account now for the company, but I just haven't gotten around to doing it. I found out my car needed to go for the annual inspection or RTV in June, I went, it failed, I have a mechanic that will fix what is wrong and help me through it next weekend. Things are moving along and falling into place. I have made a decision to stay here for a year and see how it goes. I am way too emotional to decide to move back to the states. Funny enough someone contacted me recently saying that they had a failed relationship here and had moved back and now many years later she is returning because she missed Costa Rica. I don't want to make an emotional decision that I may regret later. Since I am not an "alone" kind of gal, I haven't been travelling or doing the weekend activities I was doing before and have started to save some money. So I figure I will stay here and save, that way if I decide to move I will do it with a nest egg, if not I can always use the cash here to buy land or a house in the future. I still am happy that I am here, it's really beautiful, but I am missing my country, my culture, my friends, and my family.
That's it for now. I just wanted to say thanks and let everyone know I am still alive and kicking.
Costa Rica: My View from the Saddle
5 years ago
ReplyDeleteIt takes time, as you know, ..., but opportunities will abound for you I'm sure. Sounds like you have a good plan and are focused, and really, when you think about it, you are in a good place to do some healing. US culture can be so overwhelming that you lose yourself. In CR you have the tranquility to take stock and sort things out.
Happy journey,
Been thinking of you. How are things? Jen
ReplyDeleteHola Mary Lynn, sólo quería dejarte saber que hay alguien pensando en ti ... preguntándose cómo te va. Espero que la vida está mejorando y que te sientes bien, o, por lo menos, mejor. Déjanos saber cómo estás. No estás solita. Quería escribirte por correo, pero no pude encontrar una dirección de correo. Vivo en CR también, y creo que tenemos cosas en común, tú y yo. Que estés bien.
ReplyDeletehey ... you still out there? Just checking in again, in English this time, ha. Hope you are well.