We are doing well settling in to the new house, spending money like we have it (though we don't lol) and loving every minute of it. Mario got himself a weedwhacker (note it is HIS cause I never want to whack) and is outside chopping everything down that looks unruly. Those of you that know my Mario know that almost everything is unruly (he is a tad bit OCD), so he is really happy. I still haven't found my cords, I have his awful feeling I tossed them into the tangled mess of cords I brought from the states "in case". It is on my to-do list to sort them out and organize them into neat little rolls ( a job for Mario? lol) but if my camera cord doesn't show up soon I will have to get to it.
So the other night about 7:30 - 8:00 I am inside on the computer when I hear Mario talking to someone outside. Now this is VERY strange since we live on the mountain and never see anyone when it is light out let alone in the pitch black, and it is pouring! Turns out our only neighbor, up the mountain about 300 feet, across the road, and down the mountain about 300 feet, decided to walk over and meet us. Well, not exactly meet us, since she already knew us! Remember the nurse that came out to see my leg and scheduled the rush appointment since it looked so bad? Well guess what?! She is our neighbor! What a small world! She said she had passed by and saw us and thought we looked like the couple that she had helped. Her husband laughed and said something along the lines that there are a lot of gringas and this couldn't possibly be the same one she helped. Then she saw the bandage on my leg and said HA! It is her!! lol. So we have a new friend, Patricia!
Off to look for my cords and work ... Pura Vida!
Costa Rica: My View from the Saddle
5 years ago
Mary Lynn,
ReplyDeleteYeah, I'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes. Just now realized you are living in our area. Which direction from town center did you land? We are north of town, a long stone's throw over the ridge from the El Santo statue. Our contact info is on the A Dull Roar blog. Please, give us a shout sometime and let's have coffee together.