This is the kitchen, we really are not fond of the green but Mario is all painted out since he painted our house in Pa to sell it and then his house in Los Angeles. He just can't face painting this house too and I don't blame him! I am trying to get some stuff for the walls to tone it down. The shelves and counters are all tiled.
The barn doors in the front of the living room go to the front of the house. The side doors go to the garage/car port.

This is the dining area. We finally got the chairs back today. They were easily chipped and it was driving us crazy so we sent them back to Katia and Carlos and they put a coat of poly on them. Lets hope it works.

This is the garage/car port. Mario was going crazy cleaning the orange mud off of the white tiles so we bought some rubber runners to keep it clean. Now the stones they put in are ripping the rubber so he washes the car before he puts it in. Way too much work if you ask me, but he is happy. See the mountains in the backround? That's what makes me happy!

We had bought this table for the other house. There is a place down the road that makes them too (it's not where we bought it). We stopped in to see if they made patio blocks. Not only do they make them but Cristian came to the house and laid them. I had seen the tables tiled at the Mirador restaurant near our house. Turns out Cristian did the work! So we went to the tile place and used some of our credit and he tiled the tops of the table and benches for us! I think it looks great! He also made me 6 hangers for the balcony so that I can hang the plants you see in the garage pic. Since we rent we can't make holes and this works great! He also made a sheppard's hook for the platanos I am using to attract birds. What an inventive guy!

Here some views from the balcony on the second floor. I really am loving it here!

This is a little building below us that the coffee farm in our backyard uses. I think it's kind of cute.

Beautiful!!! :-)