Thursday, October 14, 2010

There and Back

I just got back from the states again, well on Monday, but it feels like just. It was great to see my friends and family but I really missed my life here. The most interesting part of the journey as far as blog material goes was the company I kept on the plane ride to and from. On the way down I met a guy who lives in Escazu. We had a wonderful time talking about our lives in Costa Rica. He told me that there are tons of American places in Escazu, and that you can get most everything that you would want there. Except apparently good lunch meat since he brought back a slicer and a backpack full of meat on his last trip. He said he caused quite a stir in customs lol. He also shared his story of a failed marriage to a Colombian woman and warned me to take precautions when entering a relationship with a person from another country. On the way home I met a woman who had lived in Costa Rica for 18 years. She also loved the country, but had decided to move back to the states to be near her grandkids. She had been married to a Costa Rican man and gave the same warning. She had many stories of people who had married here and then had to pay alimony when they divorced. She said that one man could not leave the country because of the alimony payments. Very scarey stuff. It's sad to think that love needs a lawyers help, but I think it is the same where ever you live. Just here I am in the dark about the laws. Better study up.


  1. We learned some pretty scary stuff about having children as well when married to a Costa Rican. Sadly this situation led to another North American leaving CR. If it's in your future plans study up on this as well!

  2. lol nope - over the hill in the having children dept. I am a grandma! and he's a grandpa 5 times. It's just us in our future. Thanks though!

