So this is my first attempt at a video. I took this on Sep 15th in the center of PZ while the families paraded by with thier faroles. It was really beautiful. All of the kids (with help it looked like) made these beautiful boxes, some in the shape of houses, some animals, some abstract, but all with a light inside. For Sep 15th, Independence Day here, they have a big parade and everyone walks around the town square with their faroles. We had a flat tire before we went to town and stopped at a gas station to get it patched. The greasy mechanics were all huddled around this small table making a Spongebob farole. Too funny, they were all discussing what to use and how to do it, it really looked great, but we left before they finished it. The other odd thing is that the faroles are lit with a candle. It was so strange to see really little children proudly holding their paper and cardboard faroles with a lit candle inside and yet there were no burns that I saw. Something you wouldn't see in the states.
On the homefront, Mario talked to our landlord about the mud problem. I think it was after we got the waterbill lol. It was only about $20 but he feels it is high since he is washing the car like twice a day. So she agreed to go halves on a load of stone. He got it all spread out how he wanted it so now the car comes in relatively clean unless it is pouring. Which it does everyday at 2 and in fact is doing as I type *sigh*. I am patiently waiting for the summer they promise me will be hot and dry. I am so cold lately, whoda thunk it in the tropics! So here is the driveway now:
Guadelupe asked me to post some pictures of the yard for her brother in the states so here they are (Mario has been VERY busy!):
This is my attempt at keeping the mountain at bay. We have 2 of these vines and then 3 other kinds that are planted at intervals next to the house. I also put in morning glory seeds. I am hoping all of these flowering vines will grab hold of the dirt and keep it from falling, plus it will look spectacular when they are blooming!
These are plain old marigolds, but they really match the house. They grow bigger everyday. Mario loaded them up with compost. We also got fertilizer with Guadelupe's help, she is the landlady, and he has fertilized all the palms, purple plants, and the flowering bushes that were here. They look better already!
That's all the pics. I am heading home on Friday for my 3 month treck. When you come to Costa Rica you get a 3 month Visa and have to leave the country for 72 hours once it is up. I am going to visit my parents for 11 days in New Jersey. It's with mixed feelings as I will miss my home and life here, and my mom is going into assisted living. I hope to help with the transition for both her and my dad. It's one of the hard things about being here, not being able to help at the drop of a hat; but, I am a phone call away and talk to my dad almost everyday.
My mom's situation has also caused me to worry what will happen when I get older. In my experience here I see that families care for the older folks. Usually the families are very big so there are many people who can help out. Either someone comes to stay with the elderly person or they move them in to their home. I have no family here and Mario is the same age as me. I have been thinking a lot about what will happen as we age. He has no children here either so he is in the same boat. Luckily we are both healthy and as I found out when I made this move nothing needs to be permanent. We are starting to look at land and we are keeping ease of travel and public transportation in mind as we do. This house is wonderful and we really love it, but it is a far way down from the main road and pretty steep. We don't think we would want to build a house in a similar terrain because it would be hard to make it out if we couldn't drive.
On a lighter note - my son turned 23 today! Happy Birthday Jake!!!